June 1999 Volume VI Number 6.

Summer meetings:

First Tuesday of every month, 6:30 p.m. Various boating sites. Watch Newsletter and Web site for details.

Next Newsletter: Deadline July 24, 1999

PROGRAM INFORMATION: July Meeting Site Tuesday, July 6th will find us at the Coyote Creek Canoe Launch Area enjoying the warm summer evening with a simple foods potluck followed by an evening paddle on the creek. Highlights of the gathering will be reports from members who will have returned from the John Day River.

Directions: To get to the canoe launch area take W. 11th Ave. west to Green Hill/Crow Road intersection go south on Crow Road to Oak Hill Road Go west on Oak Hill following the curves in the paved road which becomes Cantrell Road at the curve to the west. Take Cantrell Road till you come to a bridge over Coyote Creek. There is a wide shoulder on the north side of the road west of the bridge for parking. See you there. Omar


On the 1st of June we met at Kirk Pond. The John Day River trip people held a pre-trip meeting to discuss logistics, then the rest of us discussed how cold we were getting and to have the July meeting at Coyote Creek Canoe Launch Area. We also talked about scheduling more trips but my cold numbed brain doesn't remember what we came up with. If any one remembers please e-mail Horst so we can get everyone informed via the website. After we adjourned due to chilly toes Mari and I paddled out onto the pond. On the pond it was cold and breezy but seeing a beaver close-up was worth it. We portaged into Coyote Creek and saw several Great Blue Herons. Blooming water lilies, nine-bark, mock-orange and poison oak made wonderful reflections on the still waters of the sheltered creek. The sound of an owl hooting completed the total sensory experience.


A Safe Summer

I'm getting a little impatient with all this wet stuff and gray skies in the place of the flowery spring that's supposed to be happening this time of year. But the latter will come in good time and when it does we need to take a deep breath and focus on the things that make for a good, safe day on the water. Bill Mason states in 'Song of the Paddle', 'the best way to stay alive and well and away from adversity in the wilderness is to be aware of what can go wrong and make sure it doesn't...."Paddling" a canoe is as safe as reading the newspaper or as dangerous as playing Russian roulette. It all depends on your paddling skills, where you choose to go and the weather conditions." Know your limitations; if you're not a good swimmer then always have your PFD on (besides its the law) and be aware of your partners. When the winds come up on Waldo Lake in mid-afternoon you don't want to be even a few hundred off shore; a capsize in water that cold would delete any swimming skills you might have. Stay within your physical boundaries and your partners and you'll be rewarded with many great paddling adventures. See ya at the put-in, Robert Hosmer


Trip Rescheduled!!!! The Hosmer Lake camp-out has been moved ahead to July 18th, Sunday; because of too much snow, the June date would not work. We'll be there a week so come for all or part. Plan on a couple of pot lucks, some day hikes, and ,of course, lots of paddling in this cascade paradise. Jay and Norma will give workshops on the use of multi-colored power bait and how to catch the really BIG ones. The base camp will be marked with a paper plate at the campground pay station and at the campsite with a canoe hat. We hope that many will come this year and share this wonderful area with us. Any ??? call Robert 342-2246

******************************** Advertisements: ******************************** For Sale: "Paddling Lane County, 24 easy routes for canoe or kayak" written by club member Jim Hutchison. Available from the club for $5.00. Retail Price $6.95 to $7.95.

Cascade Paddles & Portage Staffs You choose the length, style and types of wood. Over a dozen blade styles to choose from; bent or straight. Now also available for hikers or long portages: walking staffs, strong and light. Robert 342-2246

NOTE:(Check the Club Web site it may have more up-to-date information on trips or last minute changes.) http://www.efn.org/~canoe If you have places you'd like to paddle e-mail your ideas or share them at the next meeting. If you don't feel you can coordinate the trip we can find someone to volunteer. There is interest in beginner to early intermediate white water trips. Does someone have any ideas/ be willing to coordinate? Omar

          --------------    TRIP REPORTS ADDED TO ELECTRONIC VERSION :   -----------------

John Day Trip Report
On June 16th  8 of us met at Clarno Bridge for a fun-filled 5-day paddle trip down the John Day River to Cottonwood Bridge. 5 miles downriver was the class 3 Clarno rapids which several people portaged around, but Lana came through it with flying colors in her canoe, and of course, Horst skillfully guided the raft through it.

Horst's computer research proved successful, as he chose a beautiful 5 days to be on the river--not too hot & not too cold (mid to upper 70's)--and no rain!! Nice going, Horst! The river level was high, resulting in fewer visible rocks along the way. And Lana's culinary skills deserve special recognition; couldn't have asked for better meals. The last meal was my favorite (but they were all great!): veggie stew with fresh potatoes, carrots, onions, celery, yummy spices and to top if off, we had a campfire & made Smores for dessert (brings back girl scout memories). We all got along great--seemed like Phil always had an interesting story to tell.

Each day brought new adventures & sights. Twice we sighted big-horned sheep. The first time was when we stopped to look at Indian petroglyphs; this one didn't seem to notice us. The next time we saw a family of sheep at the top of a high rock watching us float down-river; they appeared quite interested in us. There were 7 or 8 of them, including several youngsters.
The scenery on this stretch is spectacular with incredible rock formations. Vast floods of Columbia River basalt 13-16 million years ago capped the area with a rimrock of black lava; cliffs exhibit basalt's characteristic hexagonal pillars. Ok, so there were a few cows along the way (which we tried to ignore). An unexpected surprise came as a family of river otters playing in the water; they didn't seem at all afraid of us, in fact they were curiously watching us paddle by them fairly closely. Tim & Leslie spotted a Golden Eagle; Leslie was great at spotting birds before anyone else. She also pointed out several Screech Owls in our campsite on the last night. We heard them & didn't know what they were, but our birder came to the rescue. She also pointed out an Oriole nest in the tree as we watched an Oriole fly into it.
Ken deserves special recognition as keeper of the rocket seat. He found nice, private locations, often with a view. It didn't even smell, riding next to it in the raft. Horst was our fearless raft guide, taking us over dangerous rapids (actually they weren't that bad--mostly class 1 &2 and 1 class 3). John & Joan occasionally traded with Horst, discovering how heavy those oars can be--good exercise!
Ken appeared to thoroughly enjoy Horst's inflatable kayak. Fortunately, nobody capsized; the only time we got into the water was to cool off at the end of the day. This was definitely one of my favorite trips. Let's do it again next year.



Date: Mon, 24 May 1999
From: Chris Luneski <chrisl@OREGON.UOREGON.EDU>

On our first day of real summer weather, seven club members in five boats made the Fish Lake paddle. They were Cheryl & Robert Horner, Joan & John Skarda, Bonnie Adkins, Steve Butler and Chris Luneski.

Fish Lake turned out to be everything we had hoped for. At the put in, the visible part of the lake appears more or less circular. Paddling North, the lake narrows and the tree covered shoreline steepens, with several snow melt streams tumbling in. Further on, the long meandering creek bed becomes visible as the lake gets shallower. Finally, the lake becomes a stream, which can be paddled for a quarter mile or so. All of us did that until some riffles appeared along with a very convenient pull out perfect for lunch. With the warm sun and good company, none of us were in a mood to rush through lunch. Eventually, we all drifted down the stream back to the lake. Robert and I did some ecologicaly friendly "don't catch & you won't have to release" fishing. We later heard there is an endangered strain of Cutthroat in the lake and stream, though they were in absolutely no danger from Robert & me. As an aside, Robert said this was the first club trip where kayaks outnumbered canoes ( four to one).

This year, I would guess there will be plenty of water in the lake well into July. So there is still plenty of time to paddle it if you are so inclined.

Chris Luneski


Date: Sat, 03 Jul 1999


Since nobody seemed much interested in the trip to Thompson Valley Resevoir, I ended up going to Wickiup Resevoir with my son and grandson.

At full pool Wickiup is the largest body of water along the Cascade Lakes Highway ( Century Drive for us old-timers). The main body of the Resevoir enjoys the presence of water skiers, jet skis and strong afternoon winds. Doesn't sound too inviting, does it?

However, the inlet arms, the Deschutes River and Davis Creek, have a 10 mph speed limit and are free of the water skiers and jet skis. We stayed at Gull Point Campground at the mouth of the Deschutes arm. From there, it is about an eight to ten mile roundtrip up the arm, which is like a broad winding river most of the way. Lots of little inlets and a couple of islands for exploring and very pretty. The wind came up between 11 AM and 2 PM on the days we were there, and it blows down the arm toward the resevoir. The reach of the wind, though, isn't great enough to create much in the way of waves (not true for the main body of the resevoir). By going up the arm in late morning, the wind creates a nice lazy drift on the way back.

We didn't get to the Davis Creek arm on this trip, but I camped at the West Davis Creek Campground many years ago. My recollection is the water at the head of tha arm, at least, is crystal clear (springfed). With the lay of the land, I suspect it is reasonably well protected from the wind. Plenty of water to explore here, too.

Chris Luneski